Challenge: Name the Birds You See on Your Way to Work/School

Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons
I have a confession to make: I’m not a birder. Sure, I can identify a robin, Eastern cardinal, bald eagle, pelican, and magpie. And if I ever saw a flamingo I’m confident I’d know it. But I’m betting I wouldn’t be able to identify more birds than, say, your typical five year old. As an editor at Audubon magazine, my, er, handicap, has caused some embarrassment. At a recent rooftop luncheon, an enormous bird landed nearby and a fellow attendee said, “You’re from Audubon, right? What kind of bird is that?” I managed to come up with “A bird of prey.” Ouch. I did capture the gorgeous creature on video, and when I returned to the office, it took other, more bird-oriented Audubon employees only a quick glance at the grainy picture to tell me I’d seen a Peregrine falcon. Cool! Wish I’d known that when I saw it.

So, in an effort to better acquaint myself with the birdlife around me (and to hopefully avoid at least a few more bird identification mishaps), I’ve decided to begin learning the names of the birds I spot in my backyard, on my way to work, and on my runs through Prospect Park (where, admittedly, I might be tempted to cheat by stopping at one of the groups of birders I sometimes see to ask what they’re looking at…I’m guessing that’s bad form?).

Here’s where you come in: Want to join me? Many of you can probably already identify the birds you see, but I’m curious to know what you encounter on a daily basis. So, during the first week of the month for the next few months, I’ll share which species I espy, and you should, too. In the comments section, put where you’re from, and which species you saw in your backyard, on your way to work, or on a hike or walk. I’ll refer to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s online bird guide, and if I’m not sure of an identification, I’ll post a photo and ask for your help.

Here’s my list, the result of looking out on my backyard this morning:

House sparrow
Monk parakeet (there’s a colony in nearby Greenwood Cemetery)

For those of you who remember which birds you saw this morning, write ‘em down. Otherwise, keep your eyes peeled tomorrow and let me know.